Water Blogged
Read everything water...blogged. Scroll below to find article topics spanning from water treatment and system technology updates to conservation tips and employee news—and more.

Preventing Water Loss with Acoustic Leak Detection Technology
San Jose Water (SJW) is dedicated to delivering safe, high-quality water to over one million customers across 140 square miles everyday. It is our job to protect our water resources and promote long-term sustainability in our community. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average annual water loss rate for utility systems is 16%. Meanwhile, SJW has an average annual water loss rate of approximately 7%.

CPUC OII Decision
San Jose Water (SJW) is pleased to have reached a proposed resolution with the Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division (CPED) of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regarding the investigation into some of our past billing practices.
In 2017, a customer brought billing concerns to our attention. The issue involved the lack of proration of monthly service charges when they changed within a billing cycle.
The CPUC issued an Order Instituting Investigation (OII) in September 2018. The proposed resolution to the OII provides for the following:

Water Quality 101
We are proud to serve over one million customers with high quality, life-sustaining water along with exceptional customer service. On top of that, we are always committed to supplying water that meets or surpasses all state and federal drinking standards. But what steps do we take to ensure that our water is safe, and how do we determine overall water quality? We take three main factors into account.

PUC Inviting Customers To Offer Opinions on WCMA Surcharge
Understanding Your Bill: Surcharges and Service Charge Changes
WCMA Surcharge Under Consideration; Customers Have Opportunity to Provide Feedback
San Jose Water (SJW) customers will have an opportunity to weigh in on the 2018 Water Conservation Memorandum Account (WCMA) surcharge currently under consideration.

Using GIS to Improve Service for our Community
San Jose Water (SJW) has been serving the South Bay Area for over 150 years, and during that time, a lot has changed in the way of water infrastructure technology.

San Jose Water Begins Refunds on Service Charge Changes
San Jose Water (SJW) customers may notice a small refund on their next bill.
The typical residential SJW customer with a 3/4-inch meter will receive a one-time refund of $6.36 for the proration of service charges from June 1, 2011, through December 31, 2016. Customers with larger meters will receive refunds proportional to their meter size.

2019 Rates are Here: What You Need to Know
Starting January 1, 2019 your San Jose Water rates will reflect an increase in water rates recently approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). These new rates reflect an increase in operating costs and significant water system replacement costs for mains, tanks and wells that allow us to continue to provide safe and reliable water service. Effective January 1, 2019, the monthly water charges (service + quantity charges) for the typical residential customer with a 3/4-inch meter using 11 CCF (1 CCF = 748 gallons) will increase by $1.28.
Service Area Address Check
the San Jose Water service area.